Thursday, December 20, 2018

weight is the lack of time

From 20 to 50 years the main complaint of patients with excess weight is the lack of time Keto Max Burn, both to perform physical exercise and to plan meals, specifies De Luna.

What to do? "You have to change your lifestyle. It is not about eating less, but trying to eat better. In the same way, you should not move more, but do it better. In short, do it effectively, "says Isidro.

The expert in Quironsalud Nutrition opens the age range and gives the following guidelines on the recommended exercise from 20 to 50 years: "The indications are going to be very variable depending on our physical condition, the presence or not of injuries and the preferences and tastes of each person. In this sense, the key to achieving an effective weight loss is the regularity and the progressive increase in the intensity or duration of the exercise. A false belief is to think that by performing exactly the same type of exercise we will maintain a progressive loss of weight. Keto Max Burn Review"

De Luna details that as the physical condition improves, the training must be adapted to achieve the goal of body composition. "We will review what is the actual time that we have to exercise and if, in addition, we can do it in company or complement it with another activity over the weekend. Group activities are a good way to enjoy our free time. All this must be accompanied by an active daily life. "

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